📜Smart Contracts

Legitimate's smart contracts are designed to allow multiple parties including Legitimate, third party developers or agencies, and the brands or creators themselves to work together and share permissions to interact with the contract on-chain.

Our NFT contract is open source and available here on GitHub: https://github.com/LegitimateTech/lgt-phygital-nft-v3

Our contracts are broken down into three categories:


The Base contracts cover the underlying functionality of the Locking Mechanism. They are intended to be abstract classes that can be augmented with an ERC721 implementaion.l

These contracts can be found here.


The Locked721 and Locked721Psi contracts extend the base contracts and provide their own respective implementations of ERC721. Locked721 uses OpenZeppelin's ERC721 implementation, whereas Locked721Psi uses the ERC721Psi implementation.

These contracts can be found here.


Legitimate further extends the Locked721(Psi) contracts with additional business logic and functionality to serve our partners and clients. These contracts add additional access control roles, logic, and functionality. This includes service terms, recovery capabilities, as well as custom metadata handlers that augment the Locking Mechanism.

These contracts can be found here.

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